Thursday, June 16, 2016

Leadership Team

Dear Azarel,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2016 Language Leadership Team!  This year brings important innovations from Laureate to our Language programs and there is a lot of work ahead to get our UVM language team up to standard in our teaching and learning!  It is with professionals like you that we will be able to continue these efforts and ensure that all our language colleagues around the network are supported in their efforts on campus. 

This year, we will focus on working together as one Leadership team to bring important, practical deliverables to the network, and share our efforts with Laureate!  Already two of your fellow leaders have led the way in the Laureate online community with their important webinar conferences, where over 45 professionals from around the Laureate network, as far away as Germany and the UK, joined to learn from you!  Congratulations Frank and Abdel!   One of our continual commitments as the leadership team will be to continue these practices and bring your voices into the community as the experts you are in Languages in Laureate!

Congratulations Azarel and Welcome aboard!  We will be organizing our first face2face training in early June, and you will get the information shortly.  HOLD ON TIGHT!  This year is going to be amazing!

Lenise Butler

National Director of Language Centers