Saturday, October 1, 2016

Living the Institutional Philosophy

Dear teachers,

We have been sharing the Institutional Philosophy with our students.

Please share with us, one of your experience about it.

Please ask your students to write a comment in their blog:

I invite you to read some students' comments, and realize how important you are in their lives.


  1. I live the Philosophy of our Institution in my everyday life, both inside and outside this, in many ways, one of the aspects I love the most among the rest, is our principle "Academic quality" and I try to transmit it during every class to my students. In our classes we have also practiced our Institutional Philosophy through activities and talked about the importance of them.

  2. I do believe that education changes people, our principle "poder transformador de la educación" is implicit in my clases. Some of my students had the opportunity to meet the Director of an International Program from the United States.

  3. I have always tried to do my best. So I think that it is part of the Academic Quality.
    I read with my students our Institutional Philosophy and we talked about each aspect. Surprisingly they told me that they had never worked this way with our Philosophy.

  4. I have always believed that being coherent is absolutely necessary in everyone's life, so I take care of what I do, what I say, and what I think; and I do really transmit it to muy students. I quite honestly and strongly mean it.
